Friday, October 29, 2010

Gross nasty verbal vomit of doom.

You know what, sometimes we all are pessimistic. I can't be super optimistic all the time, so I'm just going to lay it out for you right here. The whole truth, complete honesty. 
This has been the worst week of my life. 

Why? Well, let me tell you. 
It's no secret to anyone that my living situation at school is straight from hell. That alone would make one crazy.
I've been working on a research paper, due this Monday, that I cannot pull together for the life of me.
I'm probably not going to get any of the classes I want next semester. 
Despite studying and feeling confident in the material, I'm making a solid D in my Religion class and I don't see any hope of pulling it up. I've never failed anything before in my life. 
I lost my keys. Yes, my keys. They are completely MIA and I have no idea where they are. I cannot get into my dorm, my room, and I lost my car key. If they don't show up by 10PM tonight, I have to pay $30 to have the lock on our door changed. Even though my friends all searched the whole campus for them and two of the guys on the second floor let me "beat them up" so I'd feel better, I still am incredibly upset about this. 
A girl in my ASL class thought it was nice to look me in the face when she heard I changed my major to English and say, "Ew! WHY?! English is like the opposite of ASL. That's really gay," and was not kidding. 
Some people really let me down. Not that I expected any better from them, but it was still really disappointing. 
My glass measuring cup to heat water in fell off of my microwave and shattered into a million pieces. 
Oh, and it has been humid, 70+ degrees, and raining all week. That just added so much to the mix. 

Logically, as soon as English ended today, I got the extra car key from my grandparents and bolted. I drove home blasting music and taking my frustration out by focusing on the road ahead of me. Now I'm locking myself away for the weekend to just recharge and refresh. I'm going to drink tea and cuddle with my kitties and read books and spend a lot of time reading my Bible and go to my own church on Sunday morning. I'm so tired of feeling defeated and broken, and I knew I had hit the ultimate low when I was sitting in my friends room wearing footie pajamas and crying my eyes out in front of everyone. It's time for a fresh start, because if we're being completely honest, this week just sucks

Code Red intake: 7
Days Until Thailand: 217

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