Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Very Worst College Student.

If I had to make an estimate for you, I'd say that since I moved into my dorm on Wednesday morning 95% of my time has been spent off campus. 
Obviously, I'm REALLY good at this whole college thing. 

I'm going to be completely honest with you, I'm not digging this too much. I'm hoping once classes start and I have something to focus on, things will get better. . . but for now I'm just not digging it. Nothing about this whole staying out late at night midnight freeze tag knock on strangers doors and live in a room with someone you just met lifestyle appeals to my born-30-years-old soul. There was a time when I found it exciting to play freeze tag at midnight and stay up really late and eat a lot of junk food, but that was in 8th grade. At this point in my life, I'm much more content with spending my evenings with a book and a cup of tea, then jumping (literally with this bed. It's lifted 7 inches off the ground and was already kind of high to begin with.) into bed by 11. Maybe I'm boring, but I'd rather sit and have coffee with you than throw a frisbee or go to a party. 
Another factor into my whole "College just isn't my thing" and off campus lifestyle is the fact that I'm going to school in my hometown. The past two years of my life have been filled with sentences like "When I move back to Greensboro. . ." and have revolved around plans for coming home to see the people I grew up with and my family we left behind when we moved to Charlotte. Unlike everyone who moved here from other cities and states, this is my home. I know this town like the back of my hand and have friends and family I've been dying to be able to spend time with again. It's not a necessity for me to make friends at school because I have friends here already. I guess I should have thought about that more before enrolling, shouldn't I? 

Basically, in short, I've spent the majority of my time off campus with my best friend and family and have gone to bed early the nights I've been here, while my roommate is always gone and out late. I'm perfectly content come Monday when classes start to be that girl from room 314 who gets up early, goes to the gym, goes to her classes, and studies. I'm probably going to look into the Campus Outreach group on Tuesday nights, because the guys from the group that helped me move my boxes on Wednesday were really cool, but otherwise I'm content with my chill lifestyle. If I get lonely, I'll talk to one of the girls on my hall or my roommate when she's here or I'll go see Ashleigh or call up a teammate or go see my family. I have options, and it's not like I'm planning on holing up in my room, eating alone in my room, and never seeing day light. I still plan on bathing and getting out in the sun and I'll definitely have my classes completely covered and my 15 gross Romania pounds lost. 
I'm just really content to read my books and drink my tea and go to bed at 11 when everyone else is just beginning their night out. I didn't come to college to party, I came to get a degree because college is such a necessary evil and I need to be prepared.

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