Monday, August 16, 2010

(The Countdown) Two More Days.

How does someone with two days left until they move into college spend their last weekend of freedom?
Well, they might pack up all of their belongings into a box, shoot off fireworks purchased in South Carolina with their cousins, drive around blasting Paramore and Ke$ha with a friend, and becoming a mom.

Yes, you heard me correctly. I am now the proud mommy. Meet my baby, Bashina.
Bashina is a spastic, slightly challenged little goldfish who was left in a tank with three other goldfish that no body wanted solely because he wasn't golden or shiny and his only colorful splash is an orange blotch above his eyeball. Even the sales person tried to convince me to get another fish because "those are all so plain!", but I knew that someone needed to love this little guy even though he wasn't the most colorful fish in the tank. I brought him home and put him in his new tank and this Wednesday we'll be moving into my dorm room together.
I haven't had a pet of any kind since my tree frog, King Rupert Weaslebee, died during my freshman year of high school. Hopefully this is going to go well.

Days until college: 2.
(I need something else to keep count of everyday, like a countdown to something or number of a certain kind of food I've eaten or number of squirrels I've run over with my car, etc. etc. etc. Feel free to leave your suggestions for such a thing in the comments)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Sarah,
you should count down days till you see me. Just a GENIUS idea!! =)

ps. i miss you. and your not answering of phone calls makes me want to cry!